HPL (High-Pressure Laminate) vs. LPL (Low-Pressure Laminate)
HPL is our Jialifu's most popular product for its durability and other special properties.Compared to LPL,we could just draw a conclusion that HPL is one of the most durable decorative material.
December 18, 2017

How to Choose a School Locker?
When we are looking for school lockers, we are not only looking for a place to store safe and healthy.
December 11, 2017

Jialifu Locker Manufacturer Introduction
A short video about us, the locker manufacturer since 2001. We provides compact laminate lockers and plywood lockers for many design style.
December 4, 2017

Aqaba Stadium Locker Installed
Compact laminate lockers we sent to Aqaba training stadium were installed and we are glad to receive these news.
November 13, 2017

How to Deal with Graffiti in bathroom Stalls
We get more and more graffiti on bathroom stalls, here is a new vision about how to deal with bathroom graffiti.
October 24, 2017