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Saudi Build 2017 Comming Soon

JIALIFU will participate in No. 522-4 booth of Saudi Build exhibition as Guangdong Yuhua Building Materials Co.,Ltd with our main products such as toilet cubicles, lockers, wall claddings, tables and benches.

October 21, 2017
Saudi Build Came to Close

Saudi Build now came to close, we are proud of join this kind of exhibition to show our products such as toilet cubicles, lockers, wall cladding and benches.


October 27, 2017
Meet us at ACETHCH in November

Jialifu with compact laminate board will participate in ACETECH 2017, don't miss us at Booth No.:5A-26 at Hall 5.


October 30, 2017
Discover the Jialifu at ACETECH 2017

Jialifu is waiting for you at Our booth, 5A-26 at hall 5. We will show our newest toilet cubicle and new lockers. Stop by our booth to see these innovative new designs!

Nov. 2
ACETECH 2017 Came to Close

ACETECH came to close and we had a wonderful time in Mumbai. Our products were welcomed and we will continue to improve our products and services.

Nov. 6